post-ironic quotation marks

Slightly neurotic (but cute!) singleton looking for adventure, finical stability, and some delusion of meaning. With much thought in the topic of sincerity and the occasional film review.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

First of all, blogger has been really weird lately.

Second, I have been in an awful dry spell lately. It's just that I don't have a place to write. Everything closes really early, and as much as I love my computer, it's not the way I write (on Dante, maybe, but not Derrida). London, or perhaps my apartment, is making me lack inspiration. When I get back to the States, I'm getting a single, and I'm going to hole up and write write write. Its been over a week since I wrote something good, and i can't decide if that was actually good. Another problem is work, I spend eight hours in a room in a flat with my boss, and I don't even get to escape for lunch. I need to come up with a story, just something to spend my life on. Now, I'm with these people who I doubt even have imaginative lives, they will just talk talk talk. And I have these good ideas, but I can't get them written down at all. It's exactly like being tired without being able to go to sleep.


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