post-ironic quotation marks

Slightly neurotic (but cute!) singleton looking for adventure, finical stability, and some delusion of meaning. With much thought in the topic of sincerity and the occasional film review.

Monday, August 07, 2006

FX "DVD on TV" or whatever it's called, is one of the worst carried out ideas on tv. It's nothing like watching a DVD because they cut for commercial breaks (about 10 minutes into the start of the movie). What they believe is DVD like are the 'behind the scenes' features, which are interspersed with the commercials. However, this breaks up the action so much, especially when it is presented before the 10 minute mark (or in the case of "Master and Commander" before the first battle sequence!) means that any potential audience would be tempted into channel surfing during the extremly long commerial break and might find something more inticing to spend three hours day-dreaming, or even paying attention, in front than commercials.

Ooooh, The Colbert Report is on.


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